Guldi Group

Our research
The research accomplishments of the Guldi group center on controlling photon and charge management in molecules and nanoscale materials. At the heart is always a multifaceted and interdisciplinary research program, where his group designs, conceptually devises, synthesizes, tests, and characterizes novel nanometer scale materials with the objective of using them in solar energy conversion schemes. A broad range of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques are routinely employed to address aspects that correspond to the optimization and fine-tuning of dynamics and/or efficiencies of charge separation, charge transport, charge shift, and charge recombination processes.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Guldi
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Physical Chemistry I
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49913185-27340
- Email:
Photovoltaik: Grundlagenforschung mit hoher Relevanz
Submit your Abstract: 32nd International Conference on Photochemistry
Prof. Dr. Dirk M. Guldi Honored with Robert Bunsen Lecture
Welcome Bart
Save the date: 32nd International Conference on Photochemistry
Dirk at the Gordon Research Conference on Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions
Giovanni and Lukas at the GRC EDAI in Newport
Exploring Chemistry at FAU: Lukas gave a Campus Tour for Future Scientists
Reflecting on the Third Women in Science Symposium at FAU
Tobias and Anna-Sophie at the CMDS in York
Anna at Women in science conference
Phillip wins one of the poster prizes at the Women in Science symposium at FAU!
Dirk presents pioneering talk at the 29th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry
Join us at the Women in Science Conference 2024
Highlights from the Chemistry Department Football Tournament
Elena at the NT24 Conference at MIT
Welcome Leonato!
ICPP 13: Swathi’s Contribution
Highlight from ICPP 13: Dirk’s Contribution
We are happy to welcome our new guest Thwahira
Welcome Noémie!
Congratulations to Dr. Marcel Krug!
Dirk Shares Research at the ECS Meeting
Again paper in Angewandte published
New Angewandte paper
New Angewandte publication
New JACS paper