Phillip wins one of the poster prizes at the Women in Science symposium at FAU!

Phillip Greißel, a PhD student in the Guldi group, attended the Women in Science – 3rd Erlangen Symposium held from July 22-24 at FAU in Erlangen. He presented a poster titled “Twisted Molecular Nanoribbons – Charge-Transfer Formation Competes with Singlet Fission via a Mixed Electronic State”, for which he was awarded one of the poster prizes.

The ‘Women in Science’ – Erlangen Symposium serves as a platform for female scientists worldwide, aiming to build a strong network to address gender inequalities and gaps in science. Although the primary focus is on women in science, the symposium welcomes everyone, regardless of gender or status. Thus, participation from not only female but also male and non-binary individuals, as well as young researchers, is strongly encouraged!
For more details, you can visit the official Women in Science conference website.