CV Svetlana B. Tsogoeva
Prof. Dr. Svetlana B. Tsogoeva (Image: FAU/Erich Malter)
h-index: 49 (Google Scholar); 48 (Scopus)
Svetlana B. Tsogoeva is Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, since February 2007. She received her Diploma in Chemistry with Distinction in 1995 from St. Petersburg State University, where she completed her doctoral thesis in 1998 on the “Synthesis of Modified Analogues of Steroid Estrogens” supported by Procter & Gamble. In 1998, she moved to the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany, for a postdoctoral project under the sponsorship of the DFG (Graduate School “Chemische und Biologische Synthese von Wirkstoffen”), where she was dealing with the synthesis of chiral amidinium ions and their application as organocatalysts for the preparation of (+)-estrone derivatives using Diels-Alder reactions. In July 2000 she joined the Degussa AG Fine Chemicals Division in Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany as a research scientist, where she has been working on the synthesis and the application of new oligopeptide catalysts for the enantioselective Julia-Colonna asymmetric epoxidation of olefins. In January 2002 she was appointed a First Junior Professor in Germany at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, where she established her own research group supported by BMBF, DFG, FCI and Degussa AG. Her research is currently focused on asymmetric organocatalysis, one-pot & domino processes (Science Magazine; Phys.Org; EurekAlert! Science News), deracemization of chiral bioactive compounds by autocatalytic crystallization (CORE ITN & Pharmaindustrie-online.DE CHEMIE.DE Medizin-Aspekte.DE), synthesis of artemisinin-derived hybrids for medicinal chemistry (Feature ARTICLE), as well as chemistry in live cells.
Professional Experience and Education
02/2007 – present: Professor of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry I, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
01/2002 – 01/2007: Junior Professor, Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Göttingen
07/2000 – 12/2001: Research Scientist, Fine Chemicals Division, Degussa AG and Creavis GmbH
11/1998 – 06/2000: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, DFG, Graduiertenkolleg “Chemische und Biologische Synthese von Wirkstoffen”, Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Frankfurt/Main
10/1998: Doctor of Chemical Science Degree (Russian equivalent of PhD degree), Natural products chemistry chair, Department of Chemistry, St.-Petersburg State University
06/1995: Diploma in Chemistry with highest honours, Department of Chemistry, St.-Petersburg State University
07/1990: School-leaving certificate with gold medal, Secondary School
Awards, Distinctions, Fellowships & Selected Grants
2024: Senior Editor for ACS Central Science
2023: Among the top 2% of most cited researchers worldwide (Stanford List 2023)
2023-2025: Research Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation
2020-2022: Research Grant from the Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung
2021: Among the top 2% of most cited researchers worldwide (Stanford List 2021)
2017-2020: EU Horizon 2020 Research Grant
2015-2017: Research Grant from the Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung
2012: Otto-Röhm Research Award
2008: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry “Most Cited Paper 2005-2008 Award”
2007: Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 2007
2007: Research Grant from the Nieders. Vorab der VolkswagenStiftung
2006: CERC3 (Chairmen of the European Research Councils’s Chemistry Committees) Lecture Travel Award
2006: GDCh (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker) Lecture Travel Award
2006: FCI (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie) Lecture Travel Award
2005: JSP Junior Scientist Award (EUCHEM)
2003: Research Award from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)
1998-2000: DFG Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
1995-1998: Procter & Gamble Postgraduate Research Fellowship
Editorial Board / Advisory Board Member
ACS Central Science (since 2024)
ChemPhysChem (since 2023)
Scientific Reports (since 2022)
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (since 2020)
Pharmaceuticals (since 2019)
Academic Editor at PeerJ (since 2019)
Symmetry (since 2009)
Guest Editor Symmetry, Special Issue on “Asymmetric Organocatalysis“, 2011
Guest Editor Symmetry, Special Issue on “Asymmetric Catalysis“, 2015
Guest Editor MOLECULES, Special Issue “Artemisinin: Against Malaria, Cancer and Viruses“, 2016/2017
Guest Editor (with co-Guest Editors L. Ackermann and G. Dong) ChemCatChem, Special Collection “The Catalysis of Ring Synthesis“, 2020/2021
Guest Editor (with co-Guest Editors M. Gütschow and A. O. Terent’ev) Pharmaceuticals, Special Issue “Recent Advances in Antiviral, Anticancer and Antimalarial Therapy using Artemisinins and Synthetic Mimics”, 2021
Guest Editor Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, Special Issue “Catalytic multi-step domino and one-pot reactions”, 2023
Professional services
Award Selection Committee Member:
- Committee Member “Symmetry Young Investigator Award”
- Committee Member “Symmetry Travel Awards”
- Committee Member & Chairperson: GDCh Award “Marie Sklodowska-Curie – Wilhelm Klemm-Vorlesung”
Reviewer of Research Grants for:
- ACS PRF (American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund)
- DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- ERC (European Research Council) Consolidator Grants
- FWF (Austrian Science Fund)
- FRC (The Frontier Research in Chemistry Foundation, France)
- ISF (Israel Science Foundation)
- NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
Reviewer of Manuscripts for:
- Angew. Chem.; Acc. Chem. Res.; ACS Catalysis; ACS Central Science; Adv. Synth. Catal.; Asian J. Org. Chem.;
- Science; Scientific Reports; Synlett; Synthesis; Symmetry;
- Nature Chemistry; Nature Communications; New J. Chem.;
- JACS; J. Med. Chem., J. Org. Chem.;
- Chemical Science; Chem. Eur. J.; Chem. Asian J.; Chem. Commun.; ChemCatChem.; ChemMedChem; ChemPhysChem; ChemSusChem; Catal. Sci. Technol.; Can. J. Chem.; Chirality; Commun. Chem. – Nature;
- Beilstein J. Org. Chem.; Bioorg. Med. Chem.;
- Green Chemistry;
- Eur. J. Org. Chem.; Eur. J. Med. Chem.; Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery; Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.;
- Molecules;
- Org. Lett.; Org. Chem. Front.; Org. Biomol. Chem.;
- RSC Advances;
- Tetrahedron: Asymmetry; Tetrahedron; Tetrahedron Letters; Topics in Catalysis
German Chemical Society (GDCh, since 2004)
Liebig‐Association for Organic Chemistry (since 2004)
American Chemical Society (ACS, since 2005)
German Catalysis Society (GeCatS, since 2012)
Other Memberships / Activities
CM0703 COST Action on “Systems Chemistry”
Erlangen Catalysis Resource Center (ECRC)
Graduate School Molecular Science (GSMS)
Emil Fischer Graduate School (EFS)
Interdisciplinary Center for Molecular Materials (ICMM)
CORE Steering Committee & Supervisory Board
Applied Protein Centre Erlangen (APCE)
Memberships / Activities at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
11/2010 – present: Mitglied des Prüfungsausschusses für Chemie, Molecular Science (Diplom, Bachelor, Master)
10/2011 – 10/2013: Mitglied der Kollegialen Leitung Department Chemie und Pharmazie
10/2013 – present: Mitglied des Fakultätsunterausschusses für die Verwendung der Studienzuschüsse in der Lehreinheit Chemie
05/2013 – present: Beiratsmitglied des Universitätsbundes Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.
05/2014 – present: Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der FAU University Press
10/2014 – present: Mitglied des Promotionsausschusses der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät