
Great demonstration of analytics by our partners down to the very small scales.   Lange S., Fett B., Kabaklı Ö. S., Adner D., Kroyer T., Bogati S., Schulze P.S.C., Herbig B., Hagendorf C., Sextl G., Mandel K. Enhancement of NiOx/poly-Si Contact Performance by Insertion of an Ultrathin Me...

Multiple group members have already been busy in 2023 with giving talks. For instance, Jakob about H2 sensing at the Materials to RePowerEU in Hanau, Susanne giving an evenig lecture at the Jahrestreffen Dechema Fachgruppe Grenzflächenbestimmte Systeme und Prozesse, Andreas pitching his PhD at the B...

On Friday 31st of March, Stephan successfully defended his PhD Thesis entitled "Development of supraparticles suitable for magnetic identification tags" with distinction #summacumlaude ! Congratulations Stephan! Happy to have him staying in the group as another scientist bridging the FAU and ISC wor...

In context of the Fraunhofer-endeavour towards perovskite tandem solar cells (project MANITU), we developed an efficient route to obtain lead-free pervoskites via spray-drying. Find out more, here. Bastian Fett, Özde Şeyma Kabaklı, Camila Andrea Romero Sierra, Patricia S. C. Schulze, Songhak Y...

We continued our fruitful and great collaboration with the Libuda & Retzer Groups and conducted an indepth study on the role of the catalyst nanoparticles that are involved in our hydrogen indicator supraparticles. The work was just accepted in The Journal of Chemical Physics.

We are happy to welcome Leoni Luthardt as new PhD canditate in our group. Leoni has already conducted her masters thesis in our group and we are glad to have her for a few more years. In her PhD thesis she will work on iductively heatable nanoparticles and their versatile applications. Special focus...

While Karl Mandel was busy with some national talks, for instance at the Max Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Golm, Germany about Functional, “communicating” supraparticles via forced assembly of nano building blocks, Stephan Müssig attended the International Conference on Fine Particl...

Huanhuan was accepted as a participant in the FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat, which is designed for high potential female postdoctoral researchers, doctoral candidates and Masters’s students at the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Sciences. Mentoring by an experienced and independen...

Joining MOFs and magnetic particles always comes with fascinating new insights - nice collaboration with the group of Klaus Müller-Buschbaum. Find details, here.