Greißel, Philipp

Phillip Greißel

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Physical Chemistry I (Prof. Dr. Guldi)

Room: Room U 1.022
Egerlandstr. 3a
91058 Erlangen

Phillip Greißel obtained his M.Sc. degree in (Medicinal) Chemistry in 2020 as part of the double degree program between the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and the University of Wollongong. He continued his research in the group of Prof. Guldi, focusing on molecular and nanoscale systems capable of down-converting photons. These materials play a key role in developing new photon management strategies essential for enhancing the efficiency of photovoltaics. Additionally, they are increasingly recognized as promising materials for applications in molecular electronics and quantum information science.
