EYIC in brief
The idea of EYIC originates from Prof. Klaus-Dieter Asmus (consultant in SULFRAD) who organized the first EYIC back in 2003 in Słubice (http://www.slubice.pl), a small Polish town opposite to the German city of Frankfurt/Oder (http://www.tourismus-ffo.de), divided only by the river Oder.
The scope of all these meetings is to bring together chemists, physicists and biologists interested in all aspects of the interaction between radiation (of low and high energy) and matter. All participants should share an interest in Free Radical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Photochemistry, Radiobiology, and Spectroscopy (including widely understood Laser Spectroscopy).
These conferences specifically aim at the active participation of younger scientists. Active participation means that young investigators, typically graduate students and PhD students, are specifically invited to present their scientific work in the above mentioned fields (preferably orally). Accordingly, any application for an oral contribution by a young investigator will be given preference over those from the older and experienced people. Posters are also welcome from both groups of scientists. In addition to regular oral presentations (20 minutes) a limited number of invited lectures will be presented by well-known experts.
Download Directions to the Conference Venue
Registration Details
1. The conference fee includes the
- Conference materials
- Welcome reception
- All meals (4x breakfast, 3x lunch, 2x dinner, all coffee breaks)
- Conference dinner
- Accomodation in the dormitory http://www.cp.edu.pl/pl/studia/akademiki/index.html (incl. bed sheets and towels) for the first 80 complete registrations (Please note: The registration is completed as soon we have received your payment. You will be notified by E-Mail.)
2. Conference Fees
Young Participant (< 35 years old): 290,00 EUR (Early registration)
Young Participant (< 35 years old): 320,00 EUR
Regular Participant (35 or older): 350,00 EUR (Early registration)
Regular Participant (35 or older): 370,00 EUR
3. Deadline for the submission of scientific abstracts: April 15, 2011
Please send your abstract via E-Mail to christian.ehli@fau.de. For the abstract preparation please follow the Abstract Guidelines.
The number of participants is limited, please register today!