Article #100 accepted in Advanced Materials

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Fitting to the core expertise of our group, article #100 highlights the potential of spray-drying in general in a Perspective that was just accepted in Advanced Materials. The work is a joined perspective where all the fantastic colleagues doing spray-drying from all over the globe were gathered together, including the PIs Takashi Ogi, Daniel Maspoch, Andreas Bück, Damien P. Debecker and Marco Faustini.


Susanne Wintzheimer, Leoni Luthardt, Kiet Le Anh Cao, Inhar Imaz, Daniel Maspoch, Takashi Ogi, Andreas Bück, Damien P. Debecker, Marco Faustini, Karl Mandel*
Multifunctional, hybrid materials design via spray-drying: much more than just drying
Advanced Materials 2023, just accepted